Friday, January 22, 2010

Everything you wanted to know about SWOT

SWOT Analysis is one of those topics that seem deceivingly simple. Although Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats sounds very straight forward, it is sometimes difficult to put together a strong, comprehensive SWOT analysis (remember your in-class exercise experience). To learn more about SWOT, take a close look at the information compiled on this webpage: It contains extensive lists for everything that could go under each of the SWOT categories, along with several examples. You should take a particularly close look at Opportunities and Threats, which is an area most of you struggled with in class.
(Note about the website: some of the title links at the top of the page don’t work, so you will just have to do it the old fashion way and scroll down the page to see the entire content).
I urge you to take your time and carefully review this information because you will most likely have to do a SWOT analysis for your first Exam.
Given our limited class time, I would like you to use this blog post for any SWOT related questions, concerns, or ideas you might have. Also, if you found a great SWOT example/website that you think your classmates should know about, share it here.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Looking for group members?

Hi everyone! It has been brought to may attention that several students are having trouble connecting with classmates to form a group. So, I am starting this post to serve as a bulleting board for this purpose. If you are a group looking for more group members, voice your "call for members" here. If you are a student looking for a group, again, put your group request in a comment right here.
Best of luck! See you all Wednesday and don't forget about Task 1 (see the post below).

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Week 1

Welcome to the MGMT221 Class Blog. During the course of the semester I will post here short assignments for you to complete. They could be as simple as finding examples of certain types of ads, or as involved as reading a short article and answering a few questions. Each assignment will appear here as a separate post. You will submit your answers to assignments by simply leaving a comment to each post by the indicated deadline.

Your first task during week 1 is to create a Gmail account and to become a follower of this blog (go to to create the account; if you already have an account, go ahead and use that one). Then, from your new Gmail address (or your old one, as the case may be), send me an email to drhodis at with your full name. This is necessary in order for me to be able to keep track of the points you earn by participating on this blog. You must also leave a comment to this post (a simple hello will do), just to make sure that everyone is familiar with the entire process. This assignment is worth 5 points and the deadline for completion is Tuesday, January 19th.

I look forward to meeting you all on Wednesday!